Making an appointment:
The practice is open from Monday to Friday from 8 am to 5 pm. You can call the practice assistant between 08.30am and 13.00pm and 13.30 pm and 4 pm.
Our telephone number is: 010-2411100 (choose option 3).
You can only see the GP if you book an appointment in advance. A standard appointment is 15 minutes and in this time it is possible to deal with one problem. If you are going to need more times because your problem is complex or you have multiple problems, please let the assistant know so this can be taken into account with our planning for the day.
*Appointments can only be made by phone.*
Home visits:
If you are physically unable to come to the practice to see the doctor you can call between 08.30 am and 11 am to request a home visit. The practice assistant will discuss with the doctor if a home visit will be possible. We advise you wherever possible to see the doctor at the practice, here the doctor can offer a greater range of possible investigations and treatments.
For an emergency the advice is always to either call the practice assistant directly or call 112.